AGI Credit Master Course
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Alert! I'll show you how to Produce Income WITHOUT FAILURE with Credit Repair: Master Class... Today!

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"AGI Credit Master Course"

"AGI Credit Master Course" Helps You:

  • Establish credibilty instantly as a Credit Coach ...
  • Get more client referrals...
  • Differentiate yourself form all other coaches...
  • ​​Win clients over with the Value you will offer...
  • ​Stop working so hard to find new coaching clients and have your pick of the best students...
And best of all... you'll start seeing results with "Credit Repair Masterclass" in less than a couple months and it costs less than the cost of 1 year of college.

Book for a Credit Repair Master Class now!

So again, if you're an entrepreneur who wants to make more money, understand this...
I was a single dad fresh out of college with a bachelor’s degree in accounting, a house payment and a young son. After going on what felt like a thousand interviews grinning and sweating the whole time to no avail; trying to manage the bills; maintain a business; and not pass on my parental duties, I knew I had to make some hard decisions. I really wanted to make money but also never miss out on the important moments of my sons’ life. I didn’t want to work for someone else nor did I want someone else to raise my son. I found myself in a predicament that many young people find themselves in, so I decided that it would be in my best interest and in the best interest of my family to go the entrepreneurial route.

My dream was to build something that would give me financial freedom as well as freedom from the constraints of time. I wanted to build something that would allow me to do all the things most people only see as a dream. I wanted to take vacations on private jets, drive expensive cars, invest in property and most importantly, spend quality time with my family. These were my dreams, but how to turn my dreams into reality was the struggle. 

How? I knew…Why? How?... however, was my stumbling block because I had no clear path to get to my goal.  Having the dream was one thing, but making it come to fruition was something I had to give some thought to. If I didn’t figure out the how to obtain financial freedom, I would never be able to have the lifestyle that I so desperately wanted.  

I knew I had the ability and the drive to be successful, but I had no vehicle strong enough to carry me to my destination of financial freedom. I thought I had tried everything there was to try, and thinking this, only made me feel like a loser. I felt as though I had hit an impenetrable wall, one that would be impossible to get past no matter how hard I tried. However, something in me knew there was more out there, and I couldn’t rest until I found it.  

One day I decided to take a chance, it was a big leap of faith and ability. I decided to sell my first property and use the money from the sale to go after my dream. At that time, I didn’t know what I was going to do but I did know that whatever I did, it had to be big. Selling the property meant I now had the capital to take some chances; I just didn’t know what chances to take but I did know it was now or never.
Then one day, as if by chance, I had a conversation with someone I knew who was living the dream. He was doing all the things I wanted to do. He told me what he was doing which was credit repair and that he offered credit repair classes. My epiphany was to use some of the money from the sale of my property to take his class. It was the best decision I could have made. I took the class and never looked back; I was only going forward.

In the class, I learned about the credit repair industry and its ability to help people, all the while securing leads through online marketing. After taking the class it was crystal clear to me how to scale an online business. I was also taught how to handle the type of volume needed to become financially secure. Also, because the business was an online, I learned that I would be able to keep a constant inflow of leads from anywhere in the world. Therefore, the time constraints would also be removed.

I also learned that using your own money is not the way to start a business. In the class I learned that you should use the bank’s money. They explained that if you know how having good/excellent credit works, then you know that you leverage your credit to fund your dreams instead of risking the what is the sum-total of your life’s work. As a result, I branded myself and produced a solid social media campaign all while using the bank’s money to get started and expand.

After I branded my company, Alert Group, Inc., I started getting all the leads I could handle while still being at home with my family. I had so many leads that I was hiring virtual assistants to handle them and the influx of new clients.

That’s when I realized that the secret to financial freedom, living a life of luxury and giving my family a life out of a movie was helping others with their credit. Social media has proven to be the unbelievable hero of this story.

My plan was to start increasing my marketing budget as well as the volume of content. 
So I started by increasing my marketing budget 4 times its current level. But I didn’t stop there.
I then hired more virtual assistants to handle the influx of leads and the subsequent workload. After that, I searched for the next course that could take my business to the next level.

With the new-found growth came unexpected hurdles. I realized that keeping track of all the leads, staying on top of follow-ups as well as creating new products to sell would not require additional work. E-books, webinars and creating my own master course were all part of the natural progression of my business. 

I believe strongly in paying someone for the information that will save me time and avoid the struggles of finding information on my own. After all, time is money, right? Therefore, I decided to pay my mentor to take me to the next level.  

This training has allowed me to build my company in ways that allows me to take time out for my family undisturbed while maintaining profitability. This is the dream and desires of the past coming true.

Finally, and most importantly, I no longer work IN my company, rather, I have positioned myself to only work ON my company. That’s the next level I strived for and acheived.

Because I can now scale my business through clear and concise directives after receiving the necessary training I can now: Coach my son’s sporting teams; fly on private jets; drive expensive vehicles; help my clients achieve their goals; all while making lots of money. Dream achieved!!

Chris Strickland, CEO

Chris is the credit repair coach of this master class. He is a ninja he will help you achieve your goal...


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